
How do I create a Custom Report in GoCo?

Need to customize a report in GoCo? Check out how to set one up!

Login to GoCo and click on Reports on the left-hand navigation.

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Our Reports Module is broken down into 2 separate sections, Standard Reports & Custom Reports.

In your Standard Reports, you will find reports that GoCo automatically generates for you. For example, you will find all reports related to your Time Off & Time Tracking here. For more information on our Standard Reports, visit our Help Center.

Custom Reports are where reports that you have created will live. You can pull reports on information from GoCo, Custom Fields, Workflow Fields, Performance Review Templates, and more.

To pull a Custom Report, begin either by hitting the blue "+Add Report" button at the top right-hand of your screen

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or by hitting the blue text "+Add Report" next to the Custom Reports Label.

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You will then be asked to choose if you would like to "Create a Report from Scratch", "Copy a Report" (from an existing report or from another company you have access to), "Create a One Time Report" (Report is generated but not automatically saved) or "Choose from a Template". In this scenario, we will create from scratch.

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Now you will be prompted to select the report type you want to create. 

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  • Team Member reports will be used when you want to pull information from GoCo (Employee Birthdays, Pronouns, etc.) or Custom Fields. You can pull one-time or saved reports (available to access anytime). For more information on Team Member Reports, click here! Screen Shot 2024-06-04 at 11.22.58 AM
  • Workflow Reports are used when you want to pull information from a Workflow that you have created. For more information on Workflow Reports, click here!
  • Document Reports are used when you want to pull information from a Magic Document that you have created. For more information on the Magic Docs Reports, click here!
  • Company Trend Reports include trends and data into headcount timelines, compensation details, & more. For more information, click here!
  • Performance Review Reports are used when you want to pull information from a performance review you have created. For more information on the Performance Management App click here!

To pull a Team Member report, select "Team Members" & hit the blue "Continue" button.

You will be taken to the Settings Tab to customize your report. 

Customizing Your Report 

  1. First, you will input some Basic Info about your Custom Report like your Report Name, Description, & your Report Icon.Screen Shot 2022-12-13 at 3.19.09 PM
  2. Next, you will be asked what data you want to include in this report.
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  4. You can select Active Team Members, Pending Team Members, Terminated Team Members, etc.  
  5. You will also be asked to select what effective date you want to use.
    • You can run it "as of" or you can switch it to show "changes made"
    • You can select a custom date or any of the premade options offered in the drop-down.
    • Hit Save & Continue 
  6. You will then select what fields you want to be included in this report.Screen Shot 2022-12-13 at 3.41.28 PM
    • Notice you can add groups of fields at a time! For example, if you search for "Employment and Compensation" you will see the option to Select All. Clicking that will add all fields under that heading in one quick click!
    • If you are looking to retrieve in-depth information related to dependents, the GoCo Reports view may have a difficult time displaying this information in line. The workaround here is to simply download the dataset and this information will be readily available.

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  7. Lastly, review the permissions of this report 

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5. Hit "Continue" and your report will be generated! If you would like to schedule your report to be sent on a regular cadence to your email, check out this article.

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  • ⭐ Hint: you can also download your report as a CSV with the "Download" button on the top right corner.

Have an existing report you need to edit?

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  • Click the three dots next to the report name to Edit Report.

To learn how to filter and create beautiful visual charts with your reports click here! 

Happy Reporting! Check out our video tutorial on Reporting here!

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