Standard & Custom Reporting
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How do the "Show Change History" Reports work?

GoCo custom reports can show you changes in almost any field over time. Read this help article for more information on how we show this data!

When creating a Custom Report you have the option to run the data "As of Today", use the "Time Machine" or "Show Change History". This article will talk about the "Show Change History" option. Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 2.10.21 PM
If you choose to see Changes, it will follow a few rules:
  • The effective date will show on the report by default to indicate when the change became effective.

  • If employee "John Doe" had no changes in that date range, he wouldn't show up on that report.

    • Note: going from null ➡️ value does qualify as a change.

    • An example of this would be somebody who didn't have a department assigned until later or a new hire who had no data at all.

  • If you choose multiple fields, a new row will show for each distinct change

Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 4.34.43 PM

In this screenshot, three of our employees have had both a manager & department change made. Some users, like Chandler Bing, have had changes made from one existing field to another (like his manager's change from Pepe to Ellie) & changes made to fields that were previously null (like his department, 90's Heartthrobs, being assigned).

Now that you've created your report, you can either save your report to come back to it or download it for later. You're all set! 🎉

If you have any other questions about the reports, reach out to your Client Success team or email us at Happy Reporting! 😁📈

Updated 9.4.24