Hiring New Employees & Contractors

How do I add a newly hired Contractor to GoCo?

So you've set up your company in GoCo...business is booming and you need to add some people to your team. Here’s how.  

  1. Log in to your GoCo account and go to your Team page
  2. Click the + Add Person button and pick "Contractor" from the drop-down that appears to start adding them to your team.
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  3. A pop-out will appear asking you for some basic information about your contractor. You will first choose if you are hiring an individual or a business. Your selection will determine what information you are asked for. You will also select which Hiring Workflow you would like to use. (For more information on Hiring Workflows, click here!)
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  4. You will then be taken into the hiring workflow where you will continue to add in the required information about your employee.
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    Note: You have the option to make the new employee a test contractor. If selected, they will be excluded from reports, payroll sync, benefit sync, and all integrations. The purpose of the test employee is to test things like: onboarding, documents, benefit enrollment, and time off. For instructions on creating a test employee, click here.
  5. Custom Fields: Fill in the required information and any other information relevant to the new employee. If you are not seeing a custom field that you are expecting to see, chances are that field is not added to the Hiring Workflow you selected. No worries though, you can still add the field at this step.Screen Shot 2023-11-08 at 11.35.07 AM

  6. Compensation: This is where you can select the Contractor's Wage Type (Fixed amount, hourly, monthly salary, yearly salary, etc.), Time Off/Time Tracking Policies (when applicable), and Payroll Schedule.
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  7. Assign Work Groups (if applicable)

  8. Contractor Agreement: Now add your contractor agreement…or don’t, it’s up to you. You can use our Magic Doc template or upload your own. Want to know more about Magic Docs? Visit our Magic Docs Help Center, here!

  9. Documents: Almost there! You will now have a chance to add any other documents you want your new employee to sign or acknowledge. We automatically add Form W-9 and any other default documents you added to your custom Hiring Workflow. If for some reason you need to remove a document you don't need, simply click the “x”
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  10. Benefits: You will be notified that this contractor is not eligible for benefits. Screen Shot 2023-11-08 at 11.44.05 AM

  11. Workflows: Have another applicable workflow you want to kick off after you hire this employee? Add it here! Think training workflows, or internal admin tasks related to hiring, etc.  For more information about workflows in workflows, click here!

  12. Review: Review all of the employee information carefully and then invite your new team member to GoCo!
    1. ❗Pay special attention to "Onboarding Settings". This will determine whether or not the employee is prompted to enter state tax withholding and payment information.
    2. Not ready to invite them just yet? Click "I'll send the invite email myself". You can always go back to the employee's profile to grab that onboarding link and send the invite later!
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That’s it! It's now your employee’s turn to onboard with GoCo.

Happy Hiring! 💚 Have additional questions? Email us at help@goco.io.