Creating & Managing Workflows for Full Access Admins
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How to customize the Start Form

Step-by-step guide on how to customize the start form in a workflow template

If you haven’t read All about the Start Form, start there!

Customize your start form to create a tailored and user-friendly experience for workflow starters. Information input here will show when a workflow is started. Choose to show contextual information, collect data, or require certain inputs.Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 6.19.10 PM

Rich Text: Paragraph styles, font sizes, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, alignment changes, bulleted and numbered lists, colors, links, and emojis! πŸŒŸπŸŽ‰

Fields: Add any workflow field to the start form for the workflow starter to complete

to learn more about creating workflow fields click here

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 6.12.57 PM

Images & Videos: Add images or embedded videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Loom, and more!

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 6.11.19 PM



Why are variable and custom fields disabled on the start form?

The start form shows to the workflow starter before the actual workflow is created. As soon as they complete this step, the workflow is technically "started". Because of this, variables and custom fields cannot be used, because "who the workflow is for" is not known yet.

To learn more about variables, check out the article "What are variables and how do I use them?"

Why are apps disabled on the start form?

The start form shows the workflow starter before the actual workflow is created. As soon as they complete this step, the workflow is technically "started". Because of this, GoCo apps cannot be inserted, because "who the workflow is for" is not known yet.

To learn more about GoCo Apps in Workflows, check out the article titled β€œAdding GoCo Apps to your Workflow Task.”


For additional questions on the start form please email us at πŸ’š


Published 11.2.2023