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What are Variable Fields and how do I use them?
A variable is just a fancy word for data stored in GoCo that can be referenced on demand! The types of variables available in workflows and performance reviews are:
- Team Member (data about the team member the workflow is for)
- Company (basic company info)
- Workflow fields (pull back any info that was input into a workflow field)
- Performance fields (pull back any info that was input into a performance field)
- Custom fields (pull back any info that was input into a custom field)
Here, I’ve created a workflow task utilizing variables to fill in dynamic data related to the team member.
This is what the active workflow task looks like once the data has been received.
Retrieve data within the same flow
You can also pull over information as a variable field that you collected within a previous task or custom field. For example pulling over a team member's self-rating for the manager to see when providing their own rating.
Variable fields will appear in the task builder highlighted in blue
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Updated 8.12.24