
How do I integrate GoCo with Slack?

Everything you need to know about how to set up the integration and manage notifications.

Skip to managing company Slack Notifications 

Setup the Integration 

To set the integration between GoCo and Slack, you need to be a GoCo full access administrator and complete the following steps:

  1. If you have not already, set up a Slack company account.  You can set up a free account here: 
  2. Login to GoCo and navigate to the Marketplace through the left-side navigation or by selecting "View" on the Marketplace card.Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 2.23.08 PM
    Note: If you don't see the card, you don't have the right administrator privileges in GoCo. Talk to the person at your company that manages your GoCo account.
  3. Find the Slack card and click to open the integration modal.Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 2.26.17 PM
  4. You'll be asked to give GoCo access to your Slack workspace. Allow access.
    Note: If you are not the Slack workspace manager, you will be asked to request to allow access. Submit the request and reach out to your Slack workspace admin for approval.
  5. GoCo will now be connected to Slack!

Slack & GoCo are connected, what's next?

To adjust your GoCo <> Slack settings, just click anywhere on the Slack card in the GoCo Marketplace to view the settings screen.

Here, you can enable different notifications and adjust the channel GoCo posts notifications to. Companywide notifications that can be posted to a channel include:

  1. Birthdays
  2. Work Anniversaries
  3. Holidays
  4. Out of the Office


When a notification appears in Slack, it will be displayed similar to the example below.


Note: you can pick some channels and not others

Slack Notifications & GoCo Add-Ons

Integrating GoCo and Slack allows certain add-ons to send notifications.

Time Off

Time Off requests and approval notifications can be sent and actioned on via Slack. To receive these notifications in Slack, managers and employees need to set them up in GoCo. Send this help article to your team to set it up. How do I update my Slack notifications as a GoCo user?

Expense Management

Once you have set up Expense Management, notifications for expense requests and approvals will begin sending automatically to managers and team members.

Click here to learn more about Expense Management.

Team Surveys

Once you have set up Team Surveys and have an active survey running, you can turn on notification to send in Slack from this Slack settings screen in the Marketplace or in the Team Survey settings tab. 

Click here to learn more about Team Surveys. 


To change employee and manager notifications check out this article!

If your team members are not receiving notifications via Slack, and you have set up everything above click here to troubleshoot.

Please reach out to with additional questions. 💚


Updated 7.25.2024