Payroll Sync

What information in GoCo will be synced to payroll?

If GoCo is syncing your payroll, that means we are transferring employee changes over to your payroll system. Here is a guide for what does and does not get synced over by our team:

This list applies to all major payroll providers.

Items we always sync:

  • Demographic changes
    • Address updates
    • SSN updates
    • Email updates
    • Phone number updates
  • Benefit deductions that are in GoCo*
    • New hires enrolling in benefits for the first time
    • Deduction changes due to a life event (ex: adding or dropping a dependent)
    • Changes to a Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account made on GoCo
      *NOTE: If the deductions are not in GoCo on the employee's profile, we can't be responsible for getting those in payroll. They must be handled offline.
  • Salary changes
  • Direct Deposit updates
  • Tax withholding updates
  • Deduction changes due to a Renewal
  • Employment updates
      • Department
      • Title
      • Manager
      • Location
      If your company has contractors, GoCo can sync them to payroll for you.  Please keep in mind that GoCo does not collect compensation information for contractors.  Payments and wages for contractors will need to be done within payroll by the company.

Items we never sync:

  • Time off balances or requests
  • Hours worked / timeclock 
  • Benefits that are not on GoCo
  • Documents
  • Custom fields
  • Local Taxes
  • Final Paychecks
    We will remove the employee from payroll after the final check has been run, but we will not calculate the final paycheck based on hours worked, etc.

    Even if GoCo is syncing your payroll, you can still view the Payroll Dashboard and review the items we are syncing over. To do that, go to the Payroll Sync tab on the left side menu or on the Company Page:



    Please contact with any questions on your payroll!