How does PTO and Time Tracking work together?

GoCo’s Time Off and Time Tracking features work together allowing employees to instantly log time off requests on time sheets!


As an employee, a user can submit a Time Off request via the Time Off card on the Me profile.  For an overview of that process, click here.

Once submitted, the request will automatically populate on the appropriate Timesheet with the time already added! The time will display as Pending Approval if awaiting manager approval.  


Here's how Time Off works with Time Tracking for the Employee:

1.  On your employee profile, navigate to the Time Tracking card and select View Timesheet to access your timesheet. 


2.  Each PTO request populates the hours being used for that day. In the example below, an employee has an approved Time Off for 8 hours which appears on the Timesheet. The request shows how many hours and the type of PTO the employee is taking off. The Time Off will appear on the Timesheet regardless of whether it is approved or not.  


3. Employees can also request time off through the Timesheet card, by selecting a date and choosing Request Time Off and submitting the request.


4. A Manager or Admin can then review and approve time off requests through the Time Off Dashboard, click here to see how! 

Managers can also review and approve Time Off on the Time Tracking Dashboard while reviewing and approving Timesheets. Here’s how:


  1. Navigate to Time Tracking where you can see Hours this month (running total), including Paid Time Off, as well as all available pay periods. Choose the desired pay period by selecting View.


2.   Each team member is displayed plus the amount of PTO (Pending and Approved) for each employee. 

    3.   Select an Employee’s Timesheet by clicking View.

    4.   Managers and HR Administrators can view a total of PTO for the pay period, plus any Pending requests will appear at the top of the list for approval.  Additionally, PTO will show as Paid Time Off (approved) or Pending Time Off. 


    5.    Managers and Admins can also approve or deny Time Off by opening a date, clicking View on the timesheet...


    6.   Leaving a Manager Note, and clicking Approve or Deny:


    Simple and convenient! Time Off has been submitted and approved through a Timesheet

    Have more questions? Contact help@goco.io.