Company Permissions
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  2. Company Permissions

Team Profile Permissions

Full Access Admins now have the ability to adjust a users permissions via their profile! You can quickly view your team members permissions, and adjust if necessary.

To view or make updates to a team member's permissions:

1. Go to the team member's profile

2. Click Manage on the Permissions card

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3. On the next screen, you can see the permissions that are currently associated with that team member

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4. To add additional permission to this team member, click on the "+ Assign Permissions" button 

5. You'll be able to assign Permissions using the drop-down menu

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What do the different permissions in the drop-down mean? Glad you asked!

  • Full Access Admin means giving access to all modules and team member information
  • User Level Permissions means giving Limited Access to specific or all team members and allows the flexibility to grant view/edit access to specific modules for those team members
  • The Hiring Manager & IT Director roles are Custom Roles that were created for this organization. To learn more about Custom Roles click here!

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