
What is GoCo's Reports V3 feature?

So you've heard about GoCo's new Reports functionality? Keep reading to learn more!

Reports V3 has launched several new enhancements to help our clients gain more meaningful insights into their HR data, including new filtering capabilities & the ability to create visual charts! 

All enhancements are being added to Custom Reports which means you have the flexibility to pick and choose exactly what data you want in your report to manipulate and visualize it directly in GoCo. 

  • Define your Data
    • Pick any set of data, from workflows, performance, custom fields, employee profile data, and more. If it’s in GoCo, you can report on it!
  • Organize your dataFrame 1049
    • Narrow down your data to the sections that matter most with easy filtering, sorting, row grouping, and aggregating.
    • We didn't stop there! You can also apply basic functions to numerical columns like sum, average, minimum & maximum.
  • Visualize & Analyze Trends
    • GoCo now provides you with seven chart options to bring your data to life and easily identify trends. These charts include...Frame 1053
      • Metric Charts 
      • Pie & Donut Charts
      • Bar & Column Charts
      • Line & Area Charts



To learn how to use filter your reports and create visual charts click here!

Need some examples of reports you can see yourself creating? Here are a few to get you started!

  • Expense reimbursement by department
  • PTO balance breakdown
  • Company equipment issued breakdown
  • Performance ratings over time
  • Employee diversity breakdown
  • Employee satisfaction

If you have any additional questions, reach out to either your CS Team or email us at 💚