Step-by-step guide to accurately process final paychecks and manage employee Terminations in using GoCo's embedded payroll with Gusto
Step 1: Terminate the Employee
If you haven't already, you’ll need to terminate the employee in GoCo. Here’s how:
- Navigate to the employee’s profile.
- Click the "Actions" button in the top right corner of their profile.
- Select "Terminate" to initiate the termination process. This will take you through the termination wizard, guiding you through the necessary steps.
- At the end of the wizard, you’ll be asked to continue to the employee's profile to begin issuing a final paycheck by running a termination payroll.
Additionally, admins will receive an inbox notification of the termination and issue a final paycheck. Clicking on "Issue Final Paycheck" will immeditaly take you to step 3. If you want to calculate what will be on the final paycheck prior to issuing please refer to step 2.
Step 2: Calculate the Final Paycheck [optional]
After terminating an employee, you can visit their profile to find all of their termination information. If you expand the termination info card, you’ll see a "Final Paycheck Calculator" button at the bottom. Click to open the calculator.
In this calculator, you can review:
- Hours Worked
- Time Off Liabilities (with an option to adjust)
- Benefit Deductions
This calculator is available before and after the termination is finalized, allowing you to double-check and adjust the final amounts as needed.
⚠️ Note: State laws may dictate whether Time off liabilities need to be considered when calculating a final pay stub. To learn more about what is included in a final pay stub calculation, click here.
Step 3: Issue the Final Paycheck
Once you’ve completed the termination process, you’ll notice a banner at the top of the employee's profile with a link to give them their final paycheck.
- Selecting the "final paycheck" button will direct you to a new screen to initiate the final paycheck process.
⚠️ Note: If you do NOT select a method, GoCo will default to the paper check option and the employee will NOT appear on the next payroll run. The notification via your inbox will also continue to persist until you select and finalize the payment method.
Click "Start" to begin.
- Choose from 3 different termination payroll options:

- Pay Immediately via Paper Check
- This option routes you to a GoCo Embedded pay run to immediately generate the manual check. You will see the employee set to a paper check.
- When submitting the pay date, paper checks can be generated the same day or the next day.
- After submission, a printable file will be provided, and the company will be charged for ER taxes
- The employee will not show up on your next scheduled pay run.
- Pay in 2-3 Business Days via Direct Deposit
- By choosing this option, you will receive the following message:
- This option routes you to a GoCo Embedded pay run to start an unscheduled pay run for a future date.
- When submitting the pay date direct deposits must be scheduled on at least a 2-day pay date.
- The employee will not show up on your next scheduled pay run.
- By choosing this option, you will receive the following message:
- Pay on the Next Scheduled Payroll
- By choosing this option, you will receive the following message:
- There is no immediate action for you.
- You will see the employee on the next scheduled pay run.
- By choosing this option, you will receive the following message:
- Pay Immediately via Paper Check
- Issue payment of the final paycheck by clicking "Start Termination Payroll".
- Begin by reviewing the details for this final paycheck that GoCo pulls over & make any changes needed, and "Continue to payroll".
Step 4: Manage Earnings and Severance in the Termination Payroll Run
In the termination payroll screen, you'll need to review and manage specific details:
- Earnings: Salaried employees cannot earn regular earnings on an off-cycle termination payroll. If this applies, you’ll see a "Needs Review" item in the termination payroll. To the right of the screen in the employment & compensation wizard, enter the actual hours worked during the pay period.
- PTO Liabilities: If PTO liabilities exist, they should appear under earnings as a payout amount. If needed, you can adjust or add the payout manually in the payroll grid to ensure accurate compensation. Click the "Add Job or Earning" drop-down menu and select from your choices of "Personal Leave Time Off, Sick Leave Time Off, etc.".
Severance: If severance pay is owed, Employment Admins must add this manually. In the payroll grid, click the "Add Job or Earning" drop-down menu and select "Severance." Enter the amount owed.
- Deductions: The deductions in the final paycheck depend on the employee's benefit policy. For example, benefit coverage may end on the termination date or at the end of the month, which will impact the amount deducted. Review these details in the final paycheck calculator or in the Benefits module if necessary.
Additional Information
Note on Terminated Employees Appearing on Timesheets
If you terminate an employee, they may still appear on timesheets for the pay period in which they worked hours prior to termination. This is expected behavior and ensures their worked hours are accurately recorded for payroll. No action is needed from admins. Once the pay period has passed, the employee will no longer appear on timesheets.
❗Important Note About Early Direct Deposit
Early direct deposit is a banking feature that allows employees to receive their paycheck up to two days earlier than their scheduled payday. This service is offered by some banks, credit unions, online banks, and neobanks (such as Chime and Cash App) and can be an automatic, free benefit for eligible accounts.
While early direct deposit can be helpful for employees, it’s important to keep this feature in mind when processing payroll, particularly for terminated employees. If an employee’s bank offers early direct deposit, they could receive their final paycheck sooner than intended. To avoid complications, payroll administrators should carefully plan the timing of final paychecks and consider the potential impact of early direct deposit services.
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance. 💚
Update 1.16.25