Company Permissions
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  2. Company Permissions

Team vs. Company Access Permissions

Need a guide on granting company vs. employee specific permissions? Read on for guidance!

With GoCo's permission enhancement, there are two distinguishable areas of access you can grant: Company Level & Team Level. The easiest way to differentiate between the two is by comparing the two images below.

This image is a view from the Company page and is referencing the categories you will see under "Company" level access:

Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 6.04.56 PM

This image is a view from a user profile, and therefore displays all information considered "Team" level access:

Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 6.08.34 PM

In more detail...

What are company access permissions?

  • Company-level permissions provide access to things like policies, templates, hiring/terminating, etc. These permissions are NOT employee specific but instead are specific on the company level itself.

    Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 6.09.16 PM

    What are team access permissions?

    • Team access permissions provide access to things like PTO requests, banking information, employment, and comp, etc that relate to a specific individual. You can assign by a specific individual, location, department, employment type, etc.

    Want more information on what's customizable under these access levels? Check out Company Access Permissions & Team Access Permissions


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