Time Tracking FAQ

What do the different timesheet statuses mean?

This article defines the different status encountered in Time Tracking under Timesheets.

In Timesheets there are several notification statuses, read below for more information on each of them.

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  • Open:  Employees & approvers have until a certain date/time to complete submission/approval. If the timesheet is open, that deadline is in the future. Timesheets can't be approved until that due date to allow employees enough time to fill them in.
  • Approvals Past Due: Deadline for submission/approval has passed. Approval is vital so employees are accurately paid.
  • Archived: The pay period reflected is older than 2 pay periods & has been auto archived. This means the information is stored, but not visible by default.,
  • Approved: The approvals have been completed & can be exported to payroll.
  • Closed: Time has been exported & pay period closed. This happens prior to being archived.

If you have any other questions, please reach out to your Client Success Team or email us at help@goco.io. 

Happy Hiring! 🤠