During the process of implementation, it may be easier to import State Tax Withholding information. Keep reading for instructions on how to utilize this function!
- When visiting the import page you will see an option from the drop-down labeled "State Tax Withholding" select this option to open the setup process.
- By default Work Location and Resident States that your organization observes will show on this list. Clicking "Setup" will include all those states for your Workbook.
Note: After GoCo loads your workbook, your data will convert into a table format. This format allows you to remove any states from your list if your process requires you to do so.
- On the workbook's left side, you can see how many team members you have in each state. All your basic employee information like first name, last, work location, etc. is in a read-only format (great for auditing purposes).
- If you keep scrolling to the table's right side, you will see your state-specific fields. Here is where you can make adjustments. Fields with missing information will be highlighted in red. Users can click on the field to select the appropriate information from a drop-down menu.
Note: To easily identify and address any items needing validation adjustments, simply click on the "Invalid" tab at the top of the page. This will filter your view to show only the items that require your attention.
- After you have made all of your adjustments to the import select "Validate"
- GoCo will continue to identify any invalid data for you to address until the workbook is completely resolved. Additionally, you have the flexibility to make adjustments outside of the workbook. For example, if an error indicates a missing address for a work location, you can exit the workbook (make your adjustment in Work Groups) and return to it later without losing any progress made!
- Continue this process until your Workbook is completely resolved.
Errors you may come across:
Work Location missing information | The work location must have a full, valid address | Blocker (this must be fixed in GoCo) |
When a team member is exempt from State Tax Withholding | Note that the exemption form will not be created or collected if handled via import. | Warning + Clear out any data in the tax fields | ![]()
Field validation rules | For example: Enter a number between 0 and 9 |
Blocker | ![]()
Only accepting valid inputs | For example: Head of Household, Single, etc |
Blocker | ![]()
If you have additional questions please reach out to your designated Client Success Specialist or email us at help@goco.io
Published 6.3.2024