Employee Accounts

How to Create Quick Links

It's hard for employees to know what the most important HR resources are and where to find them. Quick Links is here to help! Keep reading to find out how to set them up!

Skip to Quick Links video 

Not being able to locate important HR resources can cause a multitude of issues, for example, 

  • confusion for new hires
  • an overload of questions for HR
  • a lack of engagement

Now you can streamline your communication process with a quick links section where you can pin resources for your employees to quickly and easily access from their homepage. Here’s how!

As a full-access admin or an employee who has been granted company access to create/manage quick links, you will see 2 new things: 

  1. A Quicks Links card on your company pageScreen Shot 2023-07-25 at 8.38.32 AM
  2. A call to action widget on your home pageScreen Shot 2023-07-25 at 8.41.39 AM

To get started, either click “View” or “Add Quick Links”.

You will be directed to the new Quick Links landing page.

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Click on “Add Quick Link” and see the 2 options available: 

  • Documents
  • External Links

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Let’s start with Document.

All of your document templates will appear in the list. 

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After choosing one, you can see who will be able to view the link. 

“Team members with an active & complete document on their employee profile will see the link on their homepage.” 

There’s nothing left to do but to save!

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Next up, external links.

First, name the link & add the URL.

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Assign permissions. 

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You can choose for the link to be available to All Active Team Members or Specific Team Members.

By choosing Specific Team Members, you can decide who can view the link based on status, employment type, or work groups! Once you're ready, simply hit save! 

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By choosing "Active", this ensures that as you continue to hire new team members, they will automatically see the links they’re meant to view on their homepage.

Now that you have a couple of links added, you can drag and drop to control the order they are visible. 

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The only thing left to do is to save the link and publish your changes!

Now, team members with links to view will see a new widget on their homepage.

There is no maximum to the number of links you can add to the widget! 


Check out this video on creating Quick Links 


If you have any additional question, please reach out to your GoCo Client Success Team or help@goco.io 💚