DIY Experience

Company Structure on GoCo (DIY Experience)


In GoCo, your company structure has a direct affect on your reporting capabilities.

Currently you can set up the following structure for your company:
  • Work Locations
  • Divisions
  • Departments

To enable Divisions, click on Work Groups from the company home page.
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Then click the Settings tab at the top of the page. 
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From here, you can enable or disable Divisions if you need that layer of report-ability.

Note: Custom Work Groups are located here. This category will be covered in a separate article.

You can add Divisions and Departments by clicking the blue +Division and +Department buttons on the Work Groups Overview screen.

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When you add a new designation, the pop up window will look like this:

You can name your new Department/Division and assign a code for further reporting. The code field is also a great use for General Ledger Account Numbers for finance reports.
If you have Divisions enabled, you have the option to make the new department available to a specific division or all divisions. 
The work group page is also another location where you can add Job Titles.
Happy Hiring 🤠